Daily Life, Paganism, Recipe

Beltane and Voting

Happy May 2nd everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Beltane!

Sorry for the lack of posting! It’s been a busy week.Tuesday evening, I joined a co-worker at a near by gym after work. I haven’t been to a gym since before my accident, so it was a  bit daunting for me. We were going to attend a Zumba class, which was something I’ve never tried before (for someone with anxiety, the new and wonderful are more like new and gut-wrenching). Add to that who we were meeting there. Some of you might recognize him from a little ol’ show on TV called The Biggest Loser:

Welcome to Ottawa Arthur! (taken from his facebook)

I won’t get into the whole story, but basically Ottawa is home to Arthur’s number one fan. She managed to arrange for him to come to Ottawa and train for two weeks. During that time, he had a few events that people could attend, and I made it to one, the zumba class. First, I want to say that Zumba is awesome. I had a great time and would definitely do it again. I was having so much fun dancing, I hardly noticed my ass getting handed back to me. Hardly. Just a bit. Second, Arthur is truly one of the sweetest, most down to earth people I’ve ever met. We chatted for about 30 minutes after class, and I felt like I was catching up with an old friend. He was one of my favourite’s on the show, and I really and truly wish him all the best as he continues his weight loss journey. It was so inspiring!

Me and Arthur, sweaty and exhausted after a good work out. <3

Unfortunately, I think I managed to twist something in my back while shaking my booty. By Friday, it was pretty sore. I spent most of Saturday morning and afternoon cleaning, getting ready for the husband to have his brother and brother in law over for the UFC fight. After getting the house to an appropriate level of mess, I joined one of my BFFs (S) on a shopping outing and then attended my friend L’s bachelorette. S and I left after dinner, as my back wasn’t up for any dancing. We met some great people who are now FB buddies and I can’t wait for L’s wedding this coming weekend! She has honoured me by asking me to do a reading. I have to get some practice in this week!

Beltane was really really laid back, due to a sick husband and my back. I ended up throwing a roast in the crock pot in the morning and by around 7pm, we had a great dinner waiting for us! I didn’t do any rituals, but I feel like having cleaned the house, spent time with my girls and then having a lovely day at home with my husband was all I really needed. <3

Our Beltane Feast

I do feel the need to write about something new I tried this year: The Honey and Lavender cake from Red Musing.  It is truly my favourite witchy recipe now, and will  hopefully become a tradition in our home.


The flavour is amazing! My very picky husband really enjoyed it too! The only changes I made are as follows:
-I’d recommend keeping an eye on it as it bakes. I baked mine for 35 minutes, and it was probably 5 minutes too long. It ended up being a bit dry and over done at the edges.
-Choose an icing that doesn’t over-power the taste of the cake. I picked up a ready-made vanilla home-style icing to save time, and was happy with the flavour pairing.
-I used Pixie’s Pocket honey, specifically Mother’s Love (it’s already flavoured with lavender) and Bunny Hunny (which seemed appropriate to me for Beltane. This honey is magic. I swear it. A spoonful makes my knees week.)

I love this cake. It’s perfect, sweet and spicy, all at once. Go try it and love it too <3

Sadly, when I woke up this morning, ready to face the day, I was met with a massive migraine. The worst I’ve ever had. I called in sick and hid in my bedroom for hours, with the blinds and drapes shut tightly. Even an overcast day was too much for me. Eventually, around lunch time, I crawled downstairs and slowly recovered with the some meds and coffee, begging the sun to piss off. No painful brain throbbing will keep me away tonight though. Tonight’s a big night for us Canadian’s: It’s votin’ time folks! I will not get political, I just want to say one last thing on the subject: Please please PLEASE go vote. Seriously. It’s important and you should do it. It would mean a lot to me. Please.

And with that, I’m going to drink some tea, make myself get dressed and head out to make my vote once the husband is home from work.

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